Hire a winter steelhead guide, catch more steelhead To be a better winter steelhead fly angler, you’ve got to
Three steelheading podcasts i continue to return to improve my swinging skills and hook up rate Effective winter steelheading on a swung fly requires a lot of thinking.
Curation 35 ways to come up with SaaS business ideas I came across this post by Adam Wright where he discusses how
What is the future of ai rights? and does ai have a right to defend itself? “Terrifying” is a word often used by technologists and governments when discussing
Cod Economic lessons from the cod trade I received a copy of Mark Kurlansky’s book “Cod” this Christmas
Curation Nassim Tableb on how to read Nassim Taleb spends 30 hours every week reading books. Here are 27
Curation "John of the Mountains" on losing time "I am losing precious days. I am degenerating into a machine
Fly fishing The antidote Fly fishing is an antidote to ego, grandiose thinking, rumination, and obsession.